What is spiritual, energy healing? Spiritual energy healing will help AWAKEN you through a series of habitual throughts, ideas, beliefs, and actions. These thoughts replaces the false beliefs caused by repeated pattern of self-criticism and self-sabotage.
When you are connected with the Divine Source, you will discover your inner path and restore a fuller, deeper, richer and happier life.
You must first discover the truth about your false beliefs: the unreliable inner path that you hold about yourself. When you recognize thinking patterns that do not serve you, healing happens and you begin to investigate the core issues at the heart of all your problems.
There are many forms of energy healing techniques, all focusing on restoring wellness of the mind, body and spirit. Healing energy is channeled from a spiritual source to improve the person needing to be healed... balancing the energy flow, and connecting the vibrational frequency with the Divine Source.
The healer usually places their hands on an individual to transfer and channel the Universal Life Force energy allowing it to flow where it is needed to bring the energy center into alignment.
Some Of The Spiritual and Energy Healing Benefits:
- Creates a condition of deep relaxation allowing you to release stress and your emotional burdens.
- Relaxes tension and removes energy blockage.
- Stimulates the body's natural healing abilities.
- Reduces and relieves pain and body aches
- Supports the body to clear and eliminate toxins by itself.
- Helps improve blood circulation and reduces blood pressure.
- Reduces the side effects from certain drugs.
- Helps the body to recover from surgery and chemotherapy.
- Relieves insomnia and allows one a sounder sleep.
- Improves the immune systems and postpones the aging process.
- Raises the vibrational frequency and energy flow, providing a well balanced body.
- Enhances awareness allowing you to acknowledge your strength and discern weaknesses.
- Vast spiritual growth and emotional vitality.
- Increases intuition and creativity.
- Enhances awareness allowing one to feel more connected with others.
- Provides a deeper, more meaningful life experience allowing one to be more connected with the universe.
Dee Chang: Kaizen Life Compass 703 819-0238
Website: http://www.kaizenlifecompass.com/Email: kaizenlifecompass@gmail.com