The real purpose of life is to enjoy and be happy... appreciate what life has to offer. Every experience is a lesson, you get to live and learn from it. To live your life to the fullest in each and every moment.
The reason people are struggling is that people are trying to get to some place that they can't be, spending their lives fighting, struggling, getting stressed out, trying to be somewhere that they're not. They will never get to their destination.
If people always want to be somewhere else, and doesn't realize that they are already at their destination, this will be a very painful journey.
We identify ourselves with the things and possessions that we have. If we identify with what we have, then who we are becomes what we possess. When what we have goes away, then your identity also goes away.
For many people, especially during this recession, it is a painful, stressful time. Many people have lost their jobs, businesses, and homes. This also means that their identities are also gone.
When identity is lost, we grieve over that loss resulting in overwhelming stress and anxiety... feeling stuck and trapped... living life with despair.
What can we do about this? How can we make this life transition easier?
We have to accept the truth, stop fighting the reality, and get rid of the falsehoods and denial in our lives.
You are not here to struggle and suffer. You are here to express and share your creative gifts -- to give and receive love and to be happy.
Have courage, take control of your inner strength, take action in spite of fear, make clear decisions, and take command of your life. Stop fighting against resistance and make the world your ally. Start building life with motivation and discipline. Create a new life with your passion and desire. Improve your ability to bond with your inner strength and create love with yourself and others. Express your true power and live life authentically. Enjoy the prosperity and abundance that you deserve.