Whenever we experience a stressful feeling, it is the thoughts that we have created that cause this emotional reaction. When we believe these thoughts, we literally paint a life blueprint with our negative thinking and that becomes our reality...
Suppose a negative thought comes into your mind. You can be sure that your thought will cause you to suffer. The way to end this is to question your beliefs -- in fact, you have a choice to choose your beliefs. You can either choose to continue holding onto your current beliefs or you can tell yourself that this belief is not serving me, recondition your thoughts, and drop disempowering beliefs.
For example: When I was struggling with my finance issues, I believed that I could never have my financial freedom -- especially during this period of recession. I was hopeless and depressed. That was my reality... until I questioned it.
I questioned the "thought" that I had created. When I believed my thought, my reality of life consisted of suffering and pain. Now, I recondition my beliefs, change my thoughts, and I now believe that I am powerful and have many resources. I believe that I have access to limitless prosperity. I am unstoppable.
There is a book I strongly suggest: "Loving What Is" by Byron Katie. Her book centers on a process called "The Work" which is simply four question that, when applied to a specific problem, enable you to see what is troubling you in an entirely different light.
As Katie says:
"It's not the problem that causes our suffering; it's our thinking about the problem."
Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life