The dominant energy that correlates with the Security Center is survival. It is the most impulsive energy of all. It involves the basic survival needs like clothing, food, shelter, and protection. The common feelings with the Security Center are fear for one's own security, fear of loss, abandonment, mistrust, loneliness, and betrayal-- These emotions often debilitate the individual's capability to establish his or her basic essence such as a satisfying career, a loving partner, a sweet home and good friends. This person may also have a tendency to be obsessed with material wealth, feeling there is never enough and is therefore always in pursuit of more.
In our modern society, people equate success with achievement of power, and procurement of materiel things. You start by identifying yourself with a title. For example, people say, I am a doctor, an engineer, a teacher, or president of my company. You then further identify yourself with your possessions: the house you live in, the car you drive, even the clothing you wears.
Like a little child, when his toy is being taken away, he feels part of him is being taken away. The child will cry, and scream until the toy is returned. Yet that satisfaction is short-lived. The toy will quickly be put aside. There will be other toys that are more fun to have. If he doesn't have a particular toy already, he will constantly ask his parents to get it. With initial joy, will play with it. But, the toy will quickly go the the "never play again"--not a fun toy anymore.
As long as we going through life chasing what we think we want, we will be chasing all the time. It will never be enough, and we will always be in pursuit of more.
One day, if what you have is taken away, the tile, the possession that you identity yourself with, you will feel that your life is over, that you have lost everything and you are no longer the title and possessions that you used to have.
You will have lost your identity. Now the outside of your life does not meet with your inner belief programming. Then your Security Center will automatically cause you to go into survival mode, feelings of fear and anxiety.
The Security Center is such a level of consciousness! When you go after what you falsely believe to be your "security needs," you separate and isolate yourself from others. In fact, you imprison yourself by your "possessions".
Whatever you own or how others thing of you has nothing to do with who you are. When you stop identifying yourself with things, you will no longer be attach to them. Pay attention to your thoughts, be aware when you find yourself attached to "must haves" That is your "ego" speaking to you.
Are thoughts the source of ego? ---Eckhart Tolle
"Getting attach to your "ego" you're always caught in the trap of striving never arriving"--Wayne Dyer.
Ego - An ego always want someone, something to feed its needs. If not met, the ego will play a dominant role to feed the compulsive character by gaining power, possession of materialistic things, or by trying to be superior to others.
When your are conscious, you then can focus and work on eliminating any dependency towards these false security need (which is actually your "ego" being hungry for the title and possessions).
When you are tranquil, alleviated, and conscious, that recognition creates a speace between you and your conceptual character. This your best opportunity to free yourself from your egoistic role to a conscious being.
You transform the security-loving egoistic character by developing a profound awareness of how your hunger for certainty is all matter of ego dominating your thoughts and beliefs and how you program your emotional feeling with your thinking pattern. It is a story that you are telling in your own head, and believing your story creates feeling of insecurity.
Question every disempowering thought. It is all about what you believe. When you change your belief systems, transformation begins. You will start to realize that your life right now is what it is. And if you eliminate your obsessive beliefs of how thing should be, you will always have unlimited abundance to feel good right here, right now.
Life experience occurs for the benefit of your awakening, if you choose to see it. Everything that is happening is guidance supporting your awakening. to finding the unlimited abilities that you possess, and the power to concur and collaborate with your true divine purpose.
Let go of your identification with your stuff and with your accomplishments. Try instead to enjoy what you do and all that flows into your life simply for the pleasure of doing and observing the flow itself. You literally own nothing and no one; All that is composed will decompose; all that is yours will leave and become someone else's. So step back a bit and allow yourself to be an observer of this world of form. Becoming a detached witness will put you into a state of bliss, while loosening your tight grip on all of your possessions.---Wayne Dyer (Change your thoughts-Change your lif